SOLVED Re: How do I get Kmail to show ontheKmenu/Internetdropdownagain? SOLVED

lindsay.mathieson at lindsay.mathieson at
Tue Nov 18 06:06:59 UTC 2008

--- Original message ---
Subject: Re: SOLVED Re: How do I get Kmail to show ontheKmenu/Internetdropdownagain? SOLVED
From: Michael Hirsch <mdhirsch at>
To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
Date: 18/11/2008  6:00 AM

 > And strangely, web pages that you open with Akregator open up inside
> kontact, not in knoqueror.  Thus returning us to the issue of
> application integration. 

 True - and I quite like it that way. Can always right click to open it in konqueror if I want.

Are you saying you'd prefer different behaviour? because there are config options for it


Lindsay Mathieson

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