intrepid and vmware server 2

D. R. Evans doc.evans at
Mon Nov 17 23:34:26 UTC 2008

Does anyone have any detailed instructions as to how to get vmware server 2
working with intrepid?

I have used vmware ever since they stopped charging for it, and I've never
really had any problems with it under Linux. But blowed if I can figure out
how to make it work with intrepid. VMware seem to have changed everything,
so that nothing is recognisable any more. I've managed to copy a virtual
machine over from my hardy installation, but when I power up I expect to see
the virtual machine boot up, but all that sems to happen is that a status
message in their fancy-dancy new web interface tells me that the machine is
powered up. But I can't see anything. Maybe I have to install something they
call "remote console" (although I have no idea why I would need to install
something separately if it's mandatory to see the virtual machine )... but
when I follow the instructions it just says "follow the instructions", which
is hardly useful (Yes, you did read that right: the instructions appear to
be "follow the instructions").

Anyway, I *have* to have vmware for my work, and if I can't get it working
soon I'll have to ditch intrepid and just keep using the old hardy system.

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