Stuck package in sptitude

Art Alexion art.alexion at
Mon Nov 17 11:18:28 UTC 2008

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 5:34 AM, Wulfy <wulfmann at> wrote:
> Wolfram have
> removed the page that contained them and redirected to the index page,
> which is, of course, HTML...  dpkg thinks the file is corrupt and
> refuses to install it (naturally).  Problem is, I can't remove it either!
> Can someone kindly direct me to the appropriate Fascinating Manual page
> so I can Read it?  :@)
> I've tried removing the package from the cache... cleaning the cache...
> even opening the package and looking at the prerm script (but it might
> as well be in Klingon for all I understand it).

I assume you have tried 'sudo aptitude -f install'?


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