Stuck package in sptitude

Wulfy wulfmann at
Mon Nov 17 10:34:01 UTC 2008

<sigh> I'm usually quite good at sorting out problems, but this time my 
google-foo has deserted me and I can find no answer to my problem.

Having installed Kubuntu Intrepid, I was adding the stuff I normally 
have that doesn't come as standard...  in this case fonts.  I installed 
a bunch of them but one, ttf-mathematica4, is a problem.  Wolfram have 
removed the page that contained them and redirected to the index page, 
which is, of course, HTML...  dpkg thinks the file is corrupt and 
refuses to install it (naturally).  Problem is, I can't remove it either!

Can someone kindly direct me to the appropriate Fascinating Manual page 
so I can Read it?  :@)

I've tried removing the package from the cache... cleaning the cache... 
even opening the package and looking at the prerm script (but it might 
as well be in Klingon for all I understand it).



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Copyright July 17, 1988 by Del Goetz

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