8.10 Keyboard issues

Michael Hirsch mdhirsch at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 04:25:34 UTC 2008

On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Billie Walsh <bilwalsh at swbell.net> wrote:
> Bruce Marshall wrote:
>> On Friday 14 November 2008, Billie Walsh wrote:
>>> Something seems to have hosed my keyboard in 8.10. It will not accept
>>> normal typing speed keystrokes. If I hold the key for a couple seconds
>>> it will eventually accept it and put something on the screen. The mouse
>>> works just fine.
>>> In order to do the updates that showed up I reset the repeat rate to
>>> MUCH slower and and the delay longer.
>>> Anyone have any ideas [ I'm back in 8.04 till I can get some ideas and
>>> reboot ].
>>> --
>>> Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
>> Might be related but maybe not.   In 8.10, my left arrow on the keyboard does
>> nothing.  Works ok at the CLI level (out of kdm) but does not work anywhere
>> within 4.1.x      Had the problem in the beta and it remains with the
>> release.
>> KDE must have some problems in that area.
> I should have expanded on my issue a bit more. I don't boot into 8.10
> all the time, but when I have some time to kill I boot into it to play
> and keep the updates installed. A few days ago it was working fine as
> far as I've tested. Today I booted in and it froze loading the KDE
> stuff. I shut it down [ hard shut down with the power switch ] and
> booted into the last kernel before the most current. The keyboard
> wouldn't work. I shut it down and rebooted into the latest kernel and
> the same problem. After I played with it for a bit I realized that if I
> held the key down long enough it would show up on the screen, usually
> several of them *<]:o) . I reset the repeat functions so I could at
> least type in my password to get the latest updates, which may be all
> for nothing if I have to hose it and reinstall.

Could you have slowkeys set?  In KDE 3.5 that under accessibility.


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