How do I get Kmail to show on the Kmenu/Internet dropdown again?

Derek Broughton news at
Sat Nov 15 22:09:17 UTC 2008

Matthew Flaschen wrote:

> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> I removed Kmail from the Kmenu dropdown when I decided to use
>> Thunderbird.  It is still installed on my computer.  I recently
>> purchased a new monitor with a 22" screen.  It allows me to increase
>> Print Size to an easily readable size on everything but Firefox and
>> Thunderbird.
> Right click the K, click Menu Editor, then hit CTRL-N.  Unless of
> course you're using KDE 4, in which case may God have mercy on your
> soul.

It's not quite _that_ bad, but I can't figure out why I can run 
kmenuedit, but I _can't_ find kmenuedit on the menu...

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