[solved] Re: KDE 4 upgrades for hardy anyone?

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Fri Nov 14 18:43:33 UTC 2008

Eberhard Roloff wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to stay on Hardy since I prefer working with KDE 3.5x.
> It's simply more solid and complete, at least for me.
> Moreover Hardy currently supports my nvidia 7600 excellently, while I 
> have my doubts for intrepid, having heard about so many nvidia 
> nightmares with Intrepid's new X version on the lists.
> However I am interested to explore the latest and greatest KDE 4 stuff
> from time to time in order to make a qualified decision about when it is 
> time to finally swith to 4.x (whatever "x" will be at that time).
> I find Hardy to be stuck with KDE 4.12 while Intrepid is on 4.13 (and 
> going upwards, I believe).
> My question:
> Are there recent KDE 4 packages for Hardy available anywhere?
> Are there any plans for KDE 4 upgrades?
> I searched via google and ppa and that did not reveal anything.
> If all else fails, is there a possibility to do it "viceversa" and 
> operate Intrepid solidly with KDE 3.5?
> Just to be clear, I do NOT want to continue the ever lasting "KDE4 ok 
> for daily work?" discussion.
> And also, I am not interested in "why did they do it or what could have 
> been better?" prosa.
> Thanks much for help and kind regards
> Eberhard
> I just want to have both, including the very latest packages from KDE4.x

I now took the step and upgraded to Kubuntu. Surprise! On my own old 2.8 
P4 Desktop, it went greatly, even Nvidia works as before (or even better).

Just to summarize: I am amazed, how good KDE 4.x now works and if all 
else fails, xfce will come to the rescue.

Kind regards and take care

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