Alastair Preston aprestn5 at telus.net
Fri Nov 14 06:33:24 UTC 2008

> Message: 5
> Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 23:16:39 +0000
> From: Ignazio Palmisano <ignazio_io at yahoo.it>
> Subject: Re: EMERGENCY!
> To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Message-ID: <491CB557.3090504 at yahoo.it>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > 2008/11/14 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net>:
> >> In the motherboard User Guide, it shows a place next to the PCI slot for
> >> a fan, however on the board those pins are identified as CD.  There are
> >> two other places where there are pins for fans, they are identified as
> >> 'pwr_fan and cha_fan They are flush with eachother and each has only 3
> >> pins.  The Heat Sink connector has places for 4 pins.  If I were to try
> >> to plug to the pwr_fan, I would have to leave the empty pin on the left
> >> in open space, because if I put it on the right it would occupy one of
> >> the pins of cha_fan. If I tried to plug to the cha_fan pins, there is
> >> not enough room to the right of the pins to have overhang, and to the
> >> left it would occupy one of the pwr_fan pins.  I hope that wasn't too
> >> confusing.
> >>
> >> I am concerned about plugging to the pins marked CD, even though they
> >> are 4 pin, because I don't know what damage I could do, if they weren't
> >> fan pins.  Other than those, if there are any other fan pins on the
> >> motherboard, I am too bleary-eyed to see them.  I am being so careful,
> >> it is giving me a headache.  Thanks! for the help!
> >>
> >>>  just for a few seconds to see if
> >>> the fan will run or not. if yes, the plug might be having a problem, if
> >>> no, you need to check the fan, see if it's cables are intact, etc..
> >
> > Please provide a link to the user manual of your motherboard.
> Browsing this link and other on the web, I have the impression the
> "quieter" bit is achieved by keeping fans off unless needed, as someone
> already suggested:
> http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?modelmenu=1&model=2097&l1=3&l2=149&l3=646
> HTH,
> I.
The motherboard manual at the above link shows that the CPU fan connector is 
up by the first MEMORY slot, not by the PCI slots - it's also visible on the 
photo on the site. The connectors by the PCI slots are shown as Chassis fan 
and CD .

Hope this helps...

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