uriah heep
stan10x10 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 23:55:39 UTC 2008
I simply would not take a chance with the cpu. On the recent desktop
computers I have built the cpu fan always comes on at once. You can get a
cheap voltage meeter for $ 10-15. You should be able to get 12 volts dc from
your mother board connection. As suggested get an adapter for a 12 volt
connector and use the leads that are running the case fans this should turn
on the cpu fan at once if not it is bad. Check the motherboard connecters
with the volt meter and make sure you are getting 12 volts. If you can't
get the 12 v your mother board is bad. The 12 volt supply should be there
even with the cpu out of the mother board. At most the board would lower
the fan speed with a light load not shut it off. Its your equipment but I
would use caution.
On Thu, Nov 13, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Ignazio Palmisano <ignazio_io at yahoo.it>wrote:
> Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > 2008/11/14 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net>:
> >> In the motherboard User Guide, it shows a place next to the PCI slot for
> >> a fan, however on the board those pins are identified as CD. There are
> >> two other places where there are pins for fans, they are identified as
> >> 'pwr_fan and cha_fan They are flush with eachother and each has only 3
> >> pins. The Heat Sink connector has places for 4 pins. If I were to try
> >> to plug to the pwr_fan, I would have to leave the empty pin on the left
> >> in open space, because if I put it on the right it would occupy one of
> >> the pins of cha_fan. If I tried to plug to the cha_fan pins, there is
> >> not enough room to the right of the pins to have overhang, and to the
> >> left it would occupy one of the pwr_fan pins. I hope that wasn't too
> >> confusing.
> >>
> >> I am concerned about plugging to the pins marked CD, even though they
> >> are 4 pin, because I don't know what damage I could do, if they weren't
> >> fan pins. Other than those, if there are any other fan pins on the
> >> motherboard, I am too bleary-eyed to see them. I am being so careful,
> >> it is giving me a headache. Thanks! for the help!
> >>> just for a few seconds to see if
> >>> the fan will run or not. if yes, the plug might be having a problem, if
> >>> no, you need to check the fan, see if it's cables are intact, etc..
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> > Please provide a link to the user manual of your motherboard.
> >
> Browsing this link and other on the web, I have the impression the
> "quieter" bit is achieved by keeping fans off unless needed, as someone
> already suggested:
> http://www.asus.com/products.aspx?modelmenu=1&model=2097&l1=3&l2=149&l3=646&l4=0
> HTH,
> I.
> --
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