Kde3.5 / Kde4.x OR Kde3.5 / Nde1.x

marc gmane at auxbuss.com
Thu Nov 13 18:28:26 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton said...
> marc wrote:
> > My first reaction would be to ask myself how I "forgot" to use version
> > control!
> Much as I've come to rely on svn, would you really have saved to svn 
> when the first draft of your program is still open in the editor?

Well, er, yup. I hate to appear smug, but once I'm running tests, which 
is pretty early - I'm agile, but not a fanatic - and certainly once I'm 
thinking that I'd hate to lose something, then yes it gets committed. 

> Even then, one of my current projects is for a client where svn is on 
> the other side of a firewall - I can't save anything I do _today_ until I 
> go into their office tomorrow.  I haven't figured out how to keep my own 
> mirror of the svn, though it seems it should be possible.

The whole distributed thing? My outfit, which I manage, so I have no 
excuses - well, I do, but not here - means that we can't commit outside 
the firewall, and I share your pain. Tangentially, I'm currentlyy - like 
now, as I type - evaluating mercurial to replace svn.


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