Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu RESOLVED

Kaj Haulrich kaj at haulrich.net
Wed Nov 12 21:46:44 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 12 November 2008 22:08:29 Steven Vollom wrote:

> I think I should apologize.  I should have Googled that.  I am not lazy,
> just so used to using this forum, I requested before I did my homework.
> Thanks.  I think I will stick with Kubuntu then, I prefer a difficult
> KDE to Gnome.  My reply includes a   RESOLVED, so I don't waste too many
> people's time.

No need to apologize - this linux stuff _is_ confusing (at least for a few 
years). That said, you don't have to "stick" with one or the other desktop 
environment. You can do as I do: use both.

I couldn't install Kubuntu 8.10 for some reason or other (only the upper half 
of the screen was visible). Well, I installed Ubuntu 8.10 without a hiccup and 
then "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop" from the command-line. And voilá:
Now I have both and can do my work under the Gnome environment and play with 
the KDE environment until it's ready and stable.  It's as simple as choosing 
one or the other when the login screen comes up. All applications are the same 
in both environments - apart from the KI/O-slaves, which doesn't matter much.

Kaj Haulrich.

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