Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

alan c aeclist at candt.waitrose.com
Wed Nov 12 21:41:23 UTC 2008

Steven Vollom wrote:
> Soon I will install an OS in my new computer.  It is 64 bit.  I have 
> been advised that Ubuntu Intrepid is more stable than Kubuntu Intrepid.  
> Do they contain the same features?  Would you choose Ubuntu or Kubuntu 
> Intrepid?  Thanks!
> It is a little thing, however I prefer the Kubuntu Desktop appearance 
> better, but that is not as important as functionality and ease of 
> configuration.
> My new equipment consists of the following, in case that makes a 
> difference in the stability of the OS or ease of configuration:
> AMD 9600 Quad core, ASUS Mempipe Motherboard, 8gb Axiom ECC DDR2, 2 each 
> Maxtor 500gb SATA HD's.  The motherboard has Gforce 8400 video on board 
> and 8 channel sound that I plan to use for now.  I plan on using my 
> existing printer, Epson Stylus Photo 825.  Additionally, I will install 
> my current Sony DVDRW and Toshiba DVDrom. 

I have been a long time user of kubuntu and still use 8.04 kubuntu on 
most of my machines. However, 8.10 both ubuntu and kubuntu  have some 
rough edges I think with  some video cards, and Ubuntu was ok on my 
machines although often I used safe graphics mode initially if needed. 
But I had more problems with kubuntu 8.10 live CD. It would not show a 
gui on several of my machines, so I will not be upgrading soon...... 
On one laptop (dell inspiron 1100) it would not load at all, so far.

On one machine where it works I was initially confused, I could not 
understand what to do! With a bit more research and use I can begin to 
appreciate its cleverness and cuteness. However it has System Settings 
Disks and filesystems function missing, which I use a lot :-(
so I will wait until it is a little more rounded. However there are a 
number of really nice features and functions so I will be keen to get 
used to it.

My main concern has been that I hand a lot of CDs out regularly to 
complete beginners. In the past I would have preferred to hand out 
Kubuntu CDs but for 8.10 I have now stopped this and hand out Ubuntu 
until I know that the Kubuntu Live Cds are a bit more newbie friendly.

With an installed system and a bit of experience, I am sure updates 
would come through to help. But newbies get a Live cd frozen in time 
and are then alone. Unless they live next door to me that is :-)

My sig used to be 'Kubuntu user' but temporarily I am using Ubuntu as 
a public facing sig - I use a number of non technical lists. I do not 
like the thought of unsuspecting newbies bumping into kubuntu 8.10 and 
getting confused or worried. I was, and I am not a newbie!

For your installation:
May I suggest you consider initially installing Ubuntu 8.10 after 
first running the live CD? Once installed and fully updated, it will 
be very easy to also install the package
(use synaptic package manager)

I have heard that there are more 32 bit applications than 64 bit so it 
may be a smoother ride if you begin with 32 bit? THis is much more 
widely used than 64 bit anyway.

Then as you log in you can use the menu and session list to choose 
either a gnome (ubuntu) or kde (kubuntu) session.
alan cocks
Ubuntu user
Linux user #360648

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