Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 12 16:09:56 UTC 2008

Soon I will install an OS in my new computer.  It is 64 bit.  I have 
been advised that Ubuntu Intrepid is more stable than Kubuntu Intrepid.  
Do they contain the same features?  Would you choose Ubuntu or Kubuntu 
Intrepid?  Thanks!

It is a little thing, however I prefer the Kubuntu Desktop appearance 
better, but that is not as important as functionality and ease of 

My new equipment consists of the following, in case that makes a 
difference in the stability of the OS or ease of configuration:

AMD 9600 Quad core, ASUS Mempipe Motherboard, 8gb Axiom ECC DDR2, 2 each 
Maxtor 500gb SATA HD's.  The motherboard has Gforce 8400 video on board 
and 8 channel sound that I plan to use for now.  I plan on using my 
existing printer, Epson Stylus Photo 825.  Additionally, I will install 
my current Sony DVDRW and Toshiba DVDrom. 

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