Backing up.

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Wed Nov 12 14:24:31 UTC 2008

Brendan wrote:
>>> The same is true for you. You have no idea who I am,
>> No but we do know you like to feel superior over people who like to use
>> a GUI.
> Oh god, the violins! For shame!
> I use a GUI often. I use a CLI often. Use the tool that's best for the job. 
> You guys just want to fight. I'll leave you to that. This is my last reply to 
> this thread.
I can see that [Re: Backing up] could easily be a topic for a backing-up 

Each day I read the many emails from people with problems.  I am happy 
when I can help, because I have been helped so many times.  I receive 
knowledge when I read the solution for a problem I have yet to 
encounter.  As a result, this 'Help and User Discussions' has become my 
favorite source of giving and receiving Kubuntu resources.

This post hasn't worked the 'backing-up problem' very much for quite a 
while.  It is damaging this forum.  Most postings do two things for me, 
they educate, and they make me feel good.  The latter is a little gift 
that is not necessarily the intent of the resource, nonetheless, it is 
the best part of the offering to me.  It touches me to see people 
helping people selflessly.  I sometimes wish we lived in the same 
community so that the friendships we feel could be more personal.  
Unfortunately, email is a way to never conclude an argument, and in this 
case so impersonal. 

For a while I have been deleting, without reading this post subject.  
But what happens to the unsuspecting person who needs help with a 
back-up problem, when people who don't want to read or join the argument 
start deleting without reading the post.  Innocents are hurt and the 
forum's great strength weakened. 

I am not the brightest bulb on the tree, in fact, I am sure that each of 
you who can't get along are far beyond me in intelligence.  But I can 
see that no one is helped by the content of this post anymore, while 
those who have back-up problems are being hurt.

I apologize if I offend anyone with my comments.  I just love this 
source and don't want it to get damaged.



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