Sorry, I give up to preach *ubuntu

Jonas Norlander jonorland at
Wed Nov 12 11:46:39 UTC 2008

2008/11/12 Willy Hamra <w.hamra1987 at>:
> *run dialog duplicating itself when triggered with alt+f2.
> *any new window when opened, instead of seeing a blank window while it
> loads, i see the contents of some other window for a couple of
> seconds, before it loads it's own contents.
> *switch to a different desktop, LOADS of lines and borders and
> meaningless gibberish appears on the desktop until i move the mouse
> over them.
> for more info, visit these 3 links

Most of the problems with KDE4 and the nvidia driver is gone for me now.

* The terrible performance with plasma is now OK.
* The multiple krunner window have i not seen for some time now.
* Hug lag when switching desktop is now OK

The problems i still have is:
* When opening a new window i see the contest from some old/other window.
* 2D performance is not what you would expect on my computer (Xrender?)

Somewhere between the Intrepid beta and now most of the problem has
been sort out and i can use the desktop OK for most of my daily tasks.
I don't know if it's the KDE4, kernel or nvidia driver update or my
tweaking the settings that made it.

Besides the links you provided i find some help here:
(see the sticky notes).

I have a Asus nvidia 9600 (nVidia Corporation G94 [GeForce 9600 GT] (rev a1))

/ Jonas

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