Audio level was Re: Burning CD

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Tue Nov 11 20:03:09 UTC 2008

Paul Lemmons wrote:
> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: Re:Audio level  was Re: Burning CD
> From: Paul Lemmons <paul at>
> To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
> Date: 11/06/2008 04:29 PM
>> -------- Original Message  --------
>> Subject: Audio level  was Re: Burning CD
>> From: Peter Klaassen <peterklaassen at>
>> To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
>> Date: 11/05/2008 03:12 AM
>>> Is there a way to level the volume for all your music files (mp3 and 
>>> ogg)
>> This is a wonderful question. Thank you for asking it!
>> I have found that there (should) exist a script for Amarok called 
>> ReplayGain and that this script should do exactly what you are asking.
>> There is a lengthy description here:
>> I was able to: apt-get install  flac  vorbisgain   mp3gain vorbis-tools
>> directly and I found a deb for the AACGain package here:
>> I got to this point and felt that I only need enable the ReplayGain 
>> script in the Amarok script manager but much to my dismay it is not 
>> there! I was able to find all of the supporting programs but not the 
>> piece that ties them into Amarok.
>> Anybody know where it might be obtained?
> Just a quick update because I really did like this question. The 
> download for the replaygain plug-in for Amarok is on the "kde-apps" 
> link above. Just download it, and point the Amamrok script manager to 
> the compressed archive that you downloaded and viola you have have 
> everything you need to level your music. It actually works quite well.
Assuming that there isn't even a marginally soft spot on this rock hard 
head of mine, could you translate the steps in a manner for Newbies that 
haven't quite got to the level of Newbie yet?  I understand if you don't 
have the time, but if you do, thank you in advance.  What a great day 
this is; believe it or not, I think the surface is starting to soften.


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