Audio level was Re: Burning CD

Paul Lemmons paul at
Tue Nov 11 19:08:27 UTC 2008

-------- Original Message  --------
Subject: Re:Audio level  was Re: Burning CD
From: Paul Lemmons <paul at>
To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
Date: 11/06/2008 04:29 PM

> -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: Audio level  was Re: Burning CD
> From: Peter Klaassen <peterklaassen at>
> To: Kubuntu Help and User Discussions <kubuntu-users at>
> Date: 11/05/2008 03:12 AM
>> Is there a way to level the volume for all your music files (mp3 and ogg)
> This is a wonderful question. Thank you for asking it!
> I have found that there (should) exist a script for Amarok called 
> ReplayGain and that this script should do exactly what you are asking.
> There is a lengthy description here:
> I was able to: apt-get install  flac  vorbisgain   mp3gain vorbis-tools
> directly and I found a deb for the AACGain package here:
> I got to this point and felt that I only need enable the ReplayGain 
> script in the Amarok script manager but much to my dismay it is not 
> there! I was able to find all of the supporting programs but not the 
> piece that ties them into Amarok.
> Anybody know where it might be obtained?

Just a quick update because I really did like this question. The 
download for the replaygain plug-in for Amarok is on the "kde-apps" link 
above. Just download it, and point the Amamrok script manager to the 
compressed archive that you downloaded and viola you have have 
everything you need to level your music. It actually works quite well.

Sometimes I wonder.  Were our faith able to stand upright and look 
around, would it be looking down at the mustard seed or standing in awe 
of the height and breadth of it.
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