Sorry, I give up to preach *ubuntu

Girard Henri girardhenri at
Mon Nov 10 06:39:11 UTC 2008

distos are very funny !!!
i started first with mandrake and mandriva and came the 10 th... impossible 
to use it !
black screen to start install
after i choose redhat then fedora
some same problems i came to kubuntu and for 6 to 8.0.4 no problem...
even the only one to support xpress 1200
with 8.10 and all distros i tried with kernel 2.6.27 i can 't boot after 
cursor hangs in the left side and i have got some hexa that i don't 
understand !!
so my solution : install 8.0.4 then upgrade to 8.0.10 and then start with 
2.6.26 kernel :)
it's very annoying but not choice if i want to keep linux ... other distros 
have other problems...
 well i notice that more we go the worse it comes !!!
i just baught a hp computer for my wife phenom x3 : lucky her ... all is 
working either in 32 or 64 bits
on my intelcore acer aspire i can only install 64 bits ... well i will have 
to steel it :) lol
peace in family :)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Derek Broughton" <news at>
To: <kubuntu-users at>
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 2:11 AM
Subject: Re: Sorry, I give up to preach *ubuntu

> Willy K. Hamra wrote:
>> 2008/11/7 p.daniels <carl1086 at>:
>>> You know, I said the same thing about two years ago. So I did it. I gave
>>> up on Nvidia, I sent them a letter telling them why, and I'm a happier
>>> person today.
>> i'm a tolerant person. i'm giving them till february to release some
>> KDE4-compatible driver, if they don't, won't do it, i'm off to ATI, and
>> i'll of course, let them know why as well. every company that
>> disrespects it's clients, force them to use certain software, OS, or
>> other crapware deserves to be abandoned!
> Intel video is far from the best, but at least they support Linux, and 
> it's
> easy to get...
> -- 
> derek
> -- 
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