Is Juno DSL service compatible with Ubuntu?

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Mon Nov 10 05:30:34 UTC 2008

Franis Engel wrote:
> Aloha,
> It doesn't make sense to me that it wouldn't be, but the question is too difficult for Juno customer service. They say "only Windows" works with Juno DSL.
> Is there anyone out there that has DSL provided by Juno who is using Linux with it?
> Thanks,
> Frani
No, but I use AT&T and they don't support Linux either.  They don't like 
it, but they will help get things working.  They try to get a huge fee 
from a Linux department, but I can't afford that, so anytime I need 
their help, I simply say help me or cancel my DSL.  I won't pay if it 
doesn't work and I can't afford to pay $100 to get what others get for 
free.  The difference in configuration isn't that difficult to figure 
out to make it work anyway.  In fact once you have had to solve a 
problem or two the hard way, it gets easier.  I am confident Juno DSL 
could be made to work, just tell them you are using Windows until you 
get it working.  Then if you have a problem and they don't want to help, 
tell them you have been a customer a long time and have always just used 

Microsoft has this thing so long, it has to be getting to the 
suppliers.  We Linux users will not change, we are just forced to be 
untruthful by saying we use Windows, but the techies find out and think 
it isn't fair either, and usually
help until the problem is solved.  I hate the lying thing, but I don't 
know how to solve that.  By the way, AT&T joint ventured the creation of 
Linux with Unix, and they don't service their own product.  Go figure.

Just remember, once they get your monthly payment, they never want to 
give it up.  They virtually do nothing to get it, so giving it up is 
kind of like no longer getting paid for doing nothing.  No one likes to 
give up free stuff.  I think it is a way of winning the Microsoft 
conspiracy.  In time everyone will learn how to service Linux, so when 
you need them, they will just ignore their company policy until it 
becomes company policy.  Keep on with the good fight.


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