Changing from 32 to 64 bit, I need some 64 bit help.

Girard Henri girardhenri at
Sun Nov 9 07:11:26 UTC 2008

Le dimanche 09 novembre 2008 à 12:28 +1000, Lindsay Mathieson a écrit :
> On Sat, 8 Nov 2008 10:56:38 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
> > Over the past year I have accumulated the components for a new
> > computer.  I will be changing to 64 bit.
> >
> > Not having a 64 bit system, I have not been paying attention to the
> > unique problems 64 bit users have had when installing and configuring a
> > Kubuntu OS.  I would like to begin with a stable application, so which
> > version should I start with?
> Well, having been inspired by your post, and a certain amount of boredom, I 
> changed my install to 64bit :) I had an existing Intrepid (8.10) 32 bit, so 
> decided on Intrepid64.
> Went very smoothly, I elected to do a fresh install from scratch while 
> preserving my existing home directory. Probably took 20 minutes all up. 
> Everything is working exactly as it was before - applications, nvidia drivers, 
> flash etc.
> So I'd like to say I have 64 bit experience, but really it was no different 
> from the 32 bit install at all.
> I'd go with Kubuntu Intrepid 64 bit myself, its been trouble free. Can't speak 
> to your hardware though, must admit mine is recent and fairly standard.
> -- 
> Lindsay

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