Is this possible?

Constantinos Maltezos pandarsson at
Sat Nov 8 05:44:39 UTC 2008

On Friday 07 November 2008 2:42:01 pm Art Alexion wrote:
> How about somebody who really likes KDE 4 list some NON-COSMETIC things it
> does better than 3.5 that would convince one to switch now?

First of all, the "show widgets" icon is so much more useful to me than the 
"show desktop" one ever was.  Without messing with the order of the window 
stack, I can launch something from the desktop folder and have everything 
immediately come back.  And then there are the widgets themselves.  The 
calculator definitely won't fit everyone's needs, but when I need to do a 
quick calculation that won't be done quick enough in my head but isn't enough 
reason to launch kcalc, I show the widgets, do my little calculation and go 
back without losing order again.  The dictionary is very handy with my writing 
and again easy to access with the show widgets icon.  In unstable, there's a 
new "text snippets" one where you can set text that you commonly paste (the 
default ones are the date and a random password) and when you select them, it 
puts them in the clipboard.  I love that one.  And two instances of the 
picture view widget give me two pictures of my sweet darlin' to look at when I 
feel the need and don't you dare tell me that's cosmetic.

It took me a bit to get used to the new K menu, but now that I have, the old 
one is so lacking to me.  I love the fact that you can set your favorite 
programs - any that you choose - to be the first that show up when you click 
on the K.

A cosmetic change which has some good utility is the flip switcher for 
alt+tab.  Being able to look at the programs as you're tabbing through them 
makes it a lot easier when you have many windows open.  Even setting 
background windows to a certain translucency has its uses.

I like a lot of the changes to the various programs that come with KDE4, but I 
won't go on about them (except to say that the new kmines rocks as the first 
click always gives you a contiguous blank space :D ) because you asked about 
KDE4 itself.  I know there's more that I like, but I can't think of them at 
the moment - I'm notorious for that.  Anyway, I think I made a good list.

Oh, and if you haven't checked out the video player dragonplayer, it's pretty 
neat and simple, which I like.

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