Is this possible?

Alexander Smirnov alexander.v.smirnov at
Fri Nov 7 09:55:53 UTC 2008

Ian MacGregor wrote:
> Here's some friendly advice.. bring back KDE 3.5.10. Fork it, create a whole 
> new DE based on 3.5.10, do something because I refuse to use KDE4* and I'll 
> bet I'm not the only one.. it's the biggest pile of feces I've ever seen in 
> the software world. This is a classic example of "trying to look pretty and 
> sacrificing productivity in the process". At the very least, get rid of 
> plasma. If KDE4 were the only desktop environment available in Linux, I would 
> be switching to Microsoft Windows today - yes, KDE4 is _that_ bad. Luckily, 
> there are other desktops.. so today, instead of wasting my time fixing the 
> problems in Intrepid, I'm going to switch over to Ubuntu.
every kde user has in mind, that kde4 is quite young.
I think it's quite clear for everybody that if you want stability, you 
should use kde3. If you are going to be on the edge - give a try to kde4.

i do not understand your kde4 bashing. You are free to use or not to use 
it. Nobody (i hope so) forces you to use kde4 right now.

forking kde3 is not the best idea. I agree with Larry's position for that.

And... KDE is open project. If you dislike some things there - you can 
join kde team. Fix bugs there. Implement a feature. Write a doc.  
Translate it! You are _able_ to change current state. I believe it is 
more correct way to express yourself than just grumbling :)

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