Screen real estate with dolphin

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Nov 7 00:30:47 UTC 2008

David McGlone wrote:
> I remember somebody mentioned that they didn't like the fact that the bars are 
> present on the left and right of dolphin and they felt it took away from the 
> actual folder view.
> Anyway, I was sitting here playing around with dolphin and if you left click 
> on the small "X" at the top of both columns there is a submenu where you can 
> remove the columns.
> Just wanted to let everyone know.
Thanks for your remark.  It made me look.  Although I did not find the 
small x you suggested, I did then look in the view menu and found left 
and right sidebars.  You can remove a column by un-checking one of them, 
however, it does not remember that process.  It appears that you have to 
do that each time you want it removed rather than having it stay a 
default.  It would be nice if it way stay the way you set it until you 
changed it again as your choice.  I could lose the right sidebar 
forever.  I use the left though.  Strange!  I just returned to Dolphin 
to see my version and the right sidebar was no longer there, so I guess 
the un-check stayed un-checked.  My version of Dolphin is 0.9.2 (Using 
KDE 3.5.10).  Hope this info is useful.

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