Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Wed Nov 5 22:11:49 UTC 2008

2008/11/5 Art Alexion <art.alexion at gmail.com>:
> On Wednesday 05 November 2008 3:34:29 pm Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I think that it was a good decision:
>> 1) Web devs don't get confused with yet another browser
> Reality check:  Too few people use Konqueror as a web browser for most web
> developers to care.  This thread is evidence that Konqueror isn't even used
> by a significant number of KDE users as a web browser, let alone the public
> as a whole.  In reality, my bank cares as much about Konqueror users as it
> does about Lynx or Links users.

Right, that's why I switched banks. I left Bank Discount for Bank
HaPoalim and let Bank Discount know why.

>> 2) Simple end users get a simple file manager
>> 3) Advanced users can use Konqueror like we always have.
> But isn't that "simple file manager" the kio_slave that provides the
> simplistic future functionality for Konqueror-as-file-manager?  How does
> running dolphin through Konqueror, make it less simplistic and more powerful?

Dolphin-part has some really good features,especially for those of us
who prefer one-click. About the only thing now missing is the rich
context menus. That's why I need people to tell me what they are
missing. All that will be in Konqueror, but with Konqueror's UI. You
won't even know that it's dolphin underneath.

Dotan Cohen



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