Thumb drive ext2 slow write speed

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Nov 5 06:55:27 UTC 2008

Jonas Norlander wrote:
> 2008/11/4 Nils Kassube <kassube at>:
> > Jonas Norlander wrote:
> >> So what can the theoretical write speed be with USB 2?
> >
> > The USB 2.0 data rate is 480 Mbit/s or 60MB/s minus overhead (->
> > probably 40-50MB/s). The limiting factor here is your device.
> >
> >> I have a
> >> Corsair Survival 16 Gb and the test I seen on the net shows a write
> >> speed of more then 20 MB/sec but I'm far from that during my test.
> >
> > Are you sure that is the write speed not read speed? I mean, 20MB/s
> > is really fast. Do you have a URL for the test?
> Here is one

That's a nice device and the write speed really seems to be 20MB/s. But I 
have no idea why you only have a much lower speed.


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