Why do people dislike Dolphin?

nepal nepal.roade at googlemail.com
Tue Nov 4 19:30:54 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 04 November 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> I asked in a general sense what is disliked about Dolphin
> in this thread. 

I have no idea what you did. The thread started with Herman 
Homlstrom asking per the thread title, and that is what I 
responded to.

> In fact, if you have no interest in 
> Dolphin then I don't know why you are posting in this
> thread. In any case, I am very interested in knowing what
> users do not like about Dolphin so that I can help
> improve it. 

You are asking things that I cannot answer. I'm stopping 
talking to you now I don't appreciate your attitude at all.

> You don't have to tell me. However, 
> complaining that something is not how you like, however
> not specifying exactly what it is that you like, does not
> seem very productive to me. 

Who says I have to be productive? 

does your arrogance come naturally or did you have to work 
at it?

> My interest is in filing bugs 
> in Dolphin and making it better for users, including you.

good for you, and it is NOT for me as I've already made 


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