Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 18:57:35 UTC 2008

2008/11/4 Willy K. Hamra <w.hamra1987 at gmail.com>:
> but now even konqueror lost it's features! right-click, extract options,
> i miss them like hell. copy text, and paste in konq, creates a new text
> file, also missing :( and a lot more of these tiny details that we had
> tons of, all missing. so basically i'm left with no decent file manager
> at all. i tried krusader, didn't like it. and as for konq's tons of
> settings, i LOVED them, i hate barely configurable applications, one of
> the first things i learned when i started to use linux was," look
> around, see all this stuff, every single pixel is configurable, you can
> configure an application so far from the defaults, it would barely be
> recognizable anymore. and this is a general rule for almost all
> applications in linux, but dolphin? do you even consider those available
> as **settings**?

Thanks. All these features have open bugs in Bugzilla, I think. I will
go through them one by one and the ones that I cannot find I will
open. If you notice anything else missing in Konqueror (which is
getting a lot less attention than Dolphin these days) then please let
me know.

>> Wait until KDE 4.2 at least then.
> i'm waiting, very waiting. but after hearing this a lot, i'm afraid it
> will really be a HUGE blow to me if KDE 4.2 turns out to be just a
> slightly improved KDE 4.1 . let's hope it's far better as everyone keeps
> saying.

It will be an improved KDE 4.1 with many of KDE 3's features. Not yet
everything, but almost everything that is a common complaint.

> for some reason, i look at all KDE4 applications in general, and have
> this feeling that they are running in legacy or something, like they're
> GTK apps running in KDE, or some wine program, the colouring is aweful,
> and the general interaction makes you feel the apps are not in their
> native environment, very minimal compared to KDE3.

I agree that the default Oxygen theme is terrible. Please file a bug
at BKO on this. I thought that there was one but I cannot find it. I
had a long argument with KDE devs over this and the conclusion was
that I am alone in thinking that the default theme looks both bad and

> there's even more
> trouble, but i read somewhere about a lot of the rendering bugs caused
> by nvidia's proprietary driver, so now, i can't tell for sure if a
> certain bugs is KDE's fault, or nvidia's fault.

Post a screenshot.

> like the missing and
> flaky icons in the bottom right corner,

KDE's fault:

> windows hanging when moved,

I have not seen that. Please post an issue at Launchpad (not BKO) and
if need be I'll take it upstream.

> and general stuff like that.

Be specific, tell me more.

> and come to think about it, probably nvidia's
> bugs are those responsible for the sluggishness of apps in KDE4 compared
> to their responsivness in GNOME. we need some non-nvidia user to confirm
> this.

KDE 4 is _fast_. Much faster than KDE 3.5 on the systems that I've had
both installed on. KDE 4 takes some time to load, but once it's up it

Dotan Cohen



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