File management function of Konqueror in Gutsy and Ibex.

Bas Roufs basroufs at
Tue Nov 4 10:50:23 UTC 2008

Dear Dotan, Willy and Everybody Else at this list

This thread is very, very useful - thanks for your feedback so far.
One or more of your questions I will thoroughly answer later today or
tomorrow. Everything else I will deal with from next week Mo. 10
November onwards - during the days in between, I will be out of

At present, I have both Kubuntu 7.10 and Kubuntu 8.10 at my PC. This
allows me to more thoroughly compare Konqueror and other software at
both partitions. Of course, I will share with this list interesting
findings of such comparative evaluations.

I finish this message with a few practical questions.

I think it is useful to provide you with some screen-shots of
Konqueror at both Gutsy and Ibex - in PNG, JPEG or PDF format. But my
question is, which the method is the best one to provide you with
them. So far, I never sent any attachment to this list - is it
possible to send and attachment to it until a certain maximum and with
one or more specific formats?  Or is it better to send such
attachments to one or more amongst you off-list? A third option I have
is to put download-files at some website and send a link to this list
for all those who are interested.

At the Gutsy partition of my PC, I have some very practical
screen-shot creation software, accessible via the Print Screen button.
There, I can make screen-shots of the whole screen, a tiny detail of
it and everything in between both extremes. I use it frequently - by
example to make screen shots of online map details. But at the Ibex
partition I did not yet find this or similar software. When hitting
the Print Screen Button, nothing seems to happen. Also the combination
of Print Screen with the left or right ALT, CONTROL OR WIN buttons
seemingly does not result in anything. The only kind of Print Screen I
managed to make so far at the Ibex partition, is a simple whole screen
one via this method:
1. I hit at the Print Screen button.
2. Via another window, I open an empty Open Office Text document.
3. Via CONTROL-V I paste the screen-shot.
4. From Open Office I export the document to PDF.
But this method does not allow me to select a detail for the screen
shot, as I can do at the Gutsy partition.

Respectfully Yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
M. +31.6.446.835.10
T. +31.30.785.20.40
BasRoufs at

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