Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Cary Bielenberg cary at bielenberg.id.au
Tue Nov 4 03:46:00 UTC 2008

Steve Lamb wrote:
> p.daniels wrote:
>> 8.5. Dolphin's slow. Slow to start, slow to use. (This is not a Dolphin
>> vs. Krusader comparison, it's just plain slow.) Amazing that one could
>> strip out so much functionality from a file manager and still manage to
>> make it *slower* than the one it's supposedly replacing.
>     Actually, after looking at the home page for Krusader I am actually
> shocked Dolphin was ever made.  Supposedly the whole reason for Dolphin's
> being was to be a separate file manager independent of other components.  I
> can respect that, really, I can.
>     From Krusader's home page.  It's been around for 7 years now.  IE, it is a
> dedicated file manager that has had years to mature.
>     "We need a discrete file manager to take over for the code we no longer
> want to maintain in Konqueror.  Do we incorporate this stable, mature,
> powerful piece of software or start from scratch!?"
>     "START FROM SCRATCH!!!"  "YEA!!!!"
>     My brain hurts now.
The only problem with Krusader (not really krusaders fault) it needs to 
install a lot of dependencies like krename unarj etc to get It's full 
potential! other than that it is wonderful piece of kit.

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