Why do people dislike Dolphin?

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Tue Nov 4 03:39:23 UTC 2008

p.daniels wrote:
> 8.5. Dolphin's slow. Slow to start, slow to use. (This is not a Dolphin
> vs. Krusader comparison, it's just plain slow.) Amazing that one could
> strip out so much functionality from a file manager and still manage to
> make it *slower* than the one it's supposedly replacing.

    Actually, after looking at the home page for Krusader I am actually
shocked Dolphin was ever made.  Supposedly the whole reason for Dolphin's
being was to be a separate file manager independent of other components.  I
can respect that, really, I can.

    From Krusader's home page.  It's been around for 7 years now.  IE, it is a
dedicated file manager that has had years to mature.

    "We need a discrete file manager to take over for the code we no longer
want to maintain in Konqueror.  Do we incorporate this stable, mature,
powerful piece of software or start from scratch!?"

    "START FROM SCRATCH!!!"  "YEA!!!!"

    My brain hurts now.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who can decide what they dream
       PGP Key: 1FC01004       |      and dream I do

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