Burning CD
Dotan Cohen
dotancohen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 4 00:56:54 UTC 2008
2008/11/4 Richard <rick0009 at gmail.com>:
> Try to burn a audio cd, in all seems well,
> however, when playing the cd back, I notice, the volume
> level are different on each songs...
> How does one level out the volume for the audio tracks,
> on a burn cd?
> Are there any other application that I need to install?
> Ubuntu 8.04
> Thanks!
> Rich
> PS: My buddy uses Vista, and makes a perfect
> audio cd.. he just had to rub that in.
If the mp3 tracks are from varying sources, then they probably need to
be leveled. Try burning with k3b, I remember there being such an
option there once. Or normalize in Audicity and then burn. Your Vista
friend either is burning leveled files, or the files are all from a
single source (and thus already leveled), or his burning application
levels without even asking him if he wants to or not. KDE programs
assume a competent user, not an idiot user, and thus don't
automatically change your files without you explicitely asking it to.
Dotan Cohen
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