Konqueror rules, Dolphin must die

Nigel Ridley nigel at prayingforisrael.net
Mon Nov 3 19:42:45 UTC 2008

Lisi Reisz wrote:
> On Monday 03 November 2008 01:06:03 Derek Broughton wrote:
>> Well, "Wales" is a vile Saxon name anyway :-)
> Yes - I frequently ask rhetorically what poor Wales ever did to get landed 
> with English law.  But landed they have been, and many of them object.  As 
> you have rightly commented, our legal system - and don't get me on the 
> subject of the English legal system, I don't like being landed with it 
> either - doesn't even have the courtesy to call the country Cymru.  :-(
> Lisi

That's only because they can't pronounce it properly!

Nigel (originally from Scotland)


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