Firefox 3.0.3 not working

Edmund Laugasson ed.lau at
Sun Nov 2 19:42:43 UTC 2008

>>> I tried again to completely remove firefox and all its configuration
>>> files and also ~/.mozilla folder but it didn't help :(
>> I also removed xulrunner completely and after also installed back - didn't
>> help.
> I managed to solve a problem like this by downloading Firefox from Mozilla,
> and installing it in /opt.
> The I just changed the menu to call /opt/firefox/firefox

I also tried that but Firefox didn't run either. Now I installed another PC and there is Firefox 
working fine.

But that PC, where it isn't working, there I installed a lot (~1GB additional software) of different 
multimedia, graphics and educational software through Synaptic. Then I suddenly discovered - oops, 
Firefox is not working. But as I understood later, a lot of programs isn't guilty.

I found through Google, that the problem is - if I had Firefox open during software (especially if 
Firefox were open during Firefox upgrade) upgrade/update - then this problem can be happen, that 
Firefox will no more working. Even if I removed Firefox and xulrunner completely (including conf 
files) and/or ~/.mozilla folder - it didn't help. But currently there isn't no one solution to fix 
that, at least I didn't find no one yet. If somebody does - please let us know!


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