Konqueror rules, Dolphin must die

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sun Nov 2 15:02:31 UTC 2008

2008/11/2 Emanoil Kotsev <deloptes at yahoo.com>:
> Yes my opinion for good reason.
> 1) I Cut (CTRL+X) a directory open another dolphin window and paste.
> Directory is not removed when copied.

Not present in current Dolphin.

> 2) I open a directory - it's always in the Icon View mode. I set to Details
> and cd to another dir. It's again Icon View, I switch again to Details and
> go to settings and set it there. I close dolphin. I open dolphin it's Icon
> View again.
> I find out it remembers settings for the current directory. If I setup
> default details view for my home, which is the first one Dolphin opens it
> opens in detailed view. This programmer should have at least one finger
> chopped for this.

Configurable in current Dolphin.

> 3) I don't understand why this programmer or another one did not put the up
> refresh and home icons in the tool bar as it is in konqueror. Is it to far
> to think. Another finger, because there is obviously no logic/brain behind
> all the way it looks and works?

Home is present in current Dolphin, Up can be added easily.

> It's making me angry that such a half way intelligent application becomes
> defaulted.

That was actually the purpose of d3lphin- to try new things and see
how they would be accepted for use (or not) in Dolphin. As such, it
was an annoying app. Thank you for you comments and as you see, those
issues were addressed in the current Dolphin.

> And yes, I followed the kde-user list discussion about konquerer vs.
> dolphin, don't come to me with the politeness issue again please.

Emanoil, please don't start being rude on *nix lists. We are all here
to help each other.

> I've already got an useful answer to my question regards


Dotan Cohen



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