Problems with KDE4 under Kubuntu Hardy

Pastor JW pastor_jw at
Sat May 31 01:45:56 UTC 2008

On Friday 30 May 2008 03:58:43 pm Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Fri, May 30, 2008 3:16 pm, Rosalind Mitchell wrote:
> > At this rate, when Impudent Ibex (or whatever it's called) comes out, I
> > shall have to resort to the wretched GNOME.  Aaaaargh!

Yes, I don't care much for Gnome, I can't seem to ever find the tools I want!  
Of course the way KDE is going I can't find the tools there either anymore!  
I didn't want to have to turn into a gamer to run my desktop!

>     Wait, wait...  They're actually going forward with KDE4 given how
> horrible it is compared to 3?  Fer Pete's sake you can't even move
> widgets on the kicker!  I accidentally removed my K button from the far
> left and adding it places it at the far right.  No movement.  It
> certainly looks a tad better than KDE3 but functionally it makes me want
> to throw my machine through the nearest window.  Hell, WinXP is better
> than KDE4!

I did the same thing.  I thought, "Oh well, I'll just delete KDE4 completely 
and then reinstall it".  Ya well, that didn't work!  I'll have to admit this 
old man likes desktops nice and solid like KDE3, not flippin' around like a 
circus act!!   

73 de N7PSV aka Pastor JW <n><   PDGA# 35276

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