thunderbird is haunted ?

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Thu May 22 15:54:27 UTC 2008

2008/5/22 Pastor JW <pastor_jw at>:
> I use Kmail but not Kontact, Kontact is just too much overhead which is also
> why T-Bird though tried out is not used here.  I did find out however, spam
> assassin is quite slow for spam handling.  Bogofilter is MUCH faster, easier
> to train, and I think even more accurate.  The only difference between Kmail
> downloading with no filter and with bogo is that with bogo I have no spam or
> html mails to wade through; ...they have all been sent where they belong,
> directly to trash!  Time difference if any, is not even noticeable.  We even
> use Kmail on our two Gnome machines!

Thanks, I did not know that bogofilter has improved so much. When I
last tried Kmail both bogofilter and spamassasin were dead slow.

Dotan Cohen

A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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