Hardy Upgrade Killed vmware server

Edmund Ĺaugasson ed.lau at mail.ee
Sat May 10 20:53:04 UTC 2008

>   -------- Original Message  --------
> Subject: Re:Hardy Upgrade Killed vmware server
> From: Rob Wright <debianrob at poncacity.net> <mailto:debianrob at poncacity.net>
> To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
> Date: 05/09/2008 12:52 PM
>> On Friday 09 May 2008 12:14:48 Paul Lemmons wrote:
>>> -------- Original Message  --------
>>> Subject: Hardy Upgrade Killed vmware server
>>> From: Rob Wright <debianrob at poncacity.net> <mailto:debianrob at poncacity.net>
>>> To: kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:kubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>> Date: 05/09/2008 07:31 AM
>>>> Greetings,
>>>> 3 days ago I upgraded from Gutsy to Hardy, and now my VMWare is dead.
>>>> Initially after the upgrade VMWare wouldn't start, so I just scrapped
>>>> what I had and went ahead and updated to the most recent version of
>>>> VMWare. That installed, after doing some patching and such I found on the
>>>> web, but the networking didn't work.
>>>> I confess that I don't even know where to go next. I've uninstalled
>>>> VMWare again and now when trying to install it I get an unsolvable string
>>>> of compile errors referencing non-existent kernel modules or they're the
>>>> wrong version.
>>>> What is the best way for me to start all over with this, and will it even
>>>> work if I do?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Rob
>>>> debianrob at poncacity.net <mailto:debianrob at poncacity.net>
>>> Take a look at:
>>> http://aldeby.org/blog/index.php/gnulinux/installing-vmware-602-and-vmware-
>>> server-on-ubuntu-hardy-804.html
>>> and let us know if it works. I am about to upgrade and would love to
>>> know how this works for you  :)
>> Ok, I got a break and got to this. I did not work. The file edits suggested in 
>> the link are already present in the 116 version of the any-any patch. The 117 
>> version also has these changes built in.
>> The 116 version gave me the same failure, but this time the 117 compiled and 
>> installed, not sure what the difference was. I've now got the VMware working, 
>> mostly. But I'm back to where I started, can't see my Windows Network 
>> computers.
>> Rob
> I took the plunge knowing that I would have trouble. I found this page:
> http://igordevlog.blogspot.com/2008/03/vmware-603-in-ubuntu-hardy-804-kernel.html?showComment=1206470820000
> I took the lazy route and simply downloaded the binaries for vmnet.tar 
> vmmon.tar and rebuilt. It appears to be working.
> -- 
> Sometimes I wonder.  Were our faith able to stand upright and look around, would it be looking down at the mustard seed or standing in awe of the height and breadth of it.

I used any-any update 117 from http://groups.google.com/group/vmkernelnewbies/files and VM Ware 

I followed instructions at 

So - have anybody any idea, what to do to get it work?

Kubuntu 8.04, KDE 3.5.9, kernel 2.6.24-16-generic and the following errors:

Patching gave errors:
$ patch -p1 < vmnet-2.6.24.patch
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file compat_wait.h
Hunk #1 succeeded at 38 (offset 4 lines).
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file sk_alloc.c
Hunk #1 succeeded at 12 (offset 4 lines).
Hunk #2 succeeded at 21 (offset 4 lines).
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file vm_basic_types.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 163.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 187 with fuzz 1 (offset 10 lines).
patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line
Hunk #3 succeeded at 313 (offset 40 lines).
1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file vm_basic_types.h.rej

$ patch -p1 < vmmon-2.6.24.patch
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file include/vcpuset.h
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected! Assume -R? [n]
Apply anyway? [n]
Skipping patch.
1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file include/vcpuset.h.rej
(Stripping trailing CRs from patch.)
patching file include/vm_basic_types.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 163.
Hunk #2 succeeded at 187 with fuzz 1 (offset 10 lines).
Hunk #3 succeeded at 313 (offset 40 lines).
1 out of 3 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file include/vm_basic_types.h.rej

Now running sudo ./vmware-config.pl gave finally the following error after numerous of compiling 
errors (more than 1000 rows, so command line history did not fit them):

make[2]: *** [/tmp/vmware-config2/vmmon-only/linux/driver.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [_module_/tmp/vmware-config2/vmmon-only] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.24-16-generic'
make: *** [vmmon.ko] Error 2
make: Leaving directory `/tmp/vmware-config2/vmmon-only'
Unable to build the vmmon module.

I also posted the same information here - 

Best Regards,
Edmund Laugasson

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