Installing and newbies

Derek Broughton news at
Fri May 9 13:10:46 UTC 2008

Neil Winchurst wrote:

> On Thu, 08 May 2008 19:02:13 +0100
> alan c <aeclist at> wrote:
>> I notice you chose gutsy rather than hardy heron Why? I believe hardy
>> has firefox included now.
> Because I feel that at the moment Hardy still has some problems,
> being somewhat cutting edge. I do have the CDs and plan a dual boot
> install soon

ime, Hardy itself doesn't have any problems, but the kernel (
they include does - I can't get wireless working and I don't think
virtualbox drivers exist for it.  otoh, my wireless does work on the Gnome
8.04 I installed, which had kernel, so I'm going to try
installing that kernel into my KDE system and see if that works. 
Otherwise, using the last Gutsy kernel I installed ( everything
in my KDE system works.

> Also, on Hardy, FF is version 3 which has been causing some problems
> according to comments on the list.

Yes, that might be a problem.  I _only_ use FF for firebug, which doesn't
exist for FF3, but perhaps the Web Developer Tools I just installed might
do the job.

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