Great Hardy install experience and first new bug for me!

Larry Hartman larryhartman50 at
Thu May 8 02:29:28 UTC 2008


I want to express my gratitude for all the help I received on this list.  It 
paid-off when I successfully applied this knowledge to reloading two boxes 
from Gutsy to Hardy this weekend.  I think I set a personal record in 
quickness--at least I dont remember ever doing a software reload on a 
computer in less than 6 hours since Windows 3.1.  Neither do I remember ever 
doing a reload where I did not lose some personal settings or data in the 
process--this time nothing was lost.

This experience also marked a first for me in the community.  After over 18 
months of Kubuntu use I reported my first bug on launchpad against Firefox 
3.0.  Bug #228042:  disabled="disabled" on <input> non-functional.  While I 
would rather not have the bug, I have confidence that it will be triaged and 
examined in fairly short order--again another very great and positive aspect 
of this community.


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