1. Newbie evaluation. 2. Gutsy>Hardy: request for advice.

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Fri May 2 08:43:14 UTC 2008

Dear Everybody

So far, four useful and quite clear answers have come into this thread - 
thank you very much.

What is becoming clear to me is that the best option for the upgrade 
from Gutsy to Hardy is a 'clean install' (install 'from scratch') after 
taking some other measures:
* making a good back-up of all my data
* critically revising the software packages to be maintained and to be 
* making a 'kubuntu-files' script of all the software packages to be 
reinstalled after the fresh installation of Hardy.

So far, so good. However, two important questions still remain:
* what is the best moment to try to resolve the sound problem on my 
desktop: before or after the upgrade indicated above?
* what about the problem with Firefox 3, which is in Hardy, but which is 
still unable to work with vitally important add-ons?

Finally, I have a few questions about your message, Xurxo:

> I have been upgrading since feisty (dapper to feisty upgrade broke my swap partition due to using UID to identify partitions). 
How can prevent happening something like this? When having that problem, 
did you 'install from scratch' (clean install) or did you use an upgrade 
option via e.g. adept?

> Sadly, resuming from suspend doesn't work on my laptop in Hardy so I had to go back to Gutsy.
'Resuming from suspend': what does this expression mean in this case?

>  I don't think Hardy was stable enough for a LTS release ....
'LTS Release': to be honest, the information about this issue is 
confusing. So far I understood that Ubuntu Hardy is meant as 'Long Term 
Support' however Kubuntu Hardy not. Can someone explain a bit more on 
this issue?

> I don't think Hardy was stable enough ......so I'd wait at least a few weeks.....

This sounds realistic anyway.

On the other hand: if Hardy is still not 'stable' now, can we expect 
that so-called 'updates' can sufficiently effectively eliminate the most 
important bugs?

At this point I finish my message of this morning.

I don't think Hardy was stable enough 

Respectfully Yours,


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
E.:  BasRoufs at gmail.com
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.
T.: +31.30.785.20.40.

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