Any LEGO MINDSTORM NXT users here?

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Sat Mar 29 19:56:21 UTC 2008

> Any tips on how to get my brick detected via USB? As I'm ready to make
> the Terminator storyline a reality  ;P

OK, I got around to playing with this, and haven't had any luck at all.  The 
kernel sees it, but nothing happens.  I found some bit about putting

$ cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-lego.rules
# Lego NXT
BUS="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}="0694", MODE="0666"

but that didn't help anything, even after restarting udev.

I thought I'd try my luck with NXC anyway, but in spite of the nice API guide 
and everything, it lacks fundamental instructions, like how to compile a 
program, or how to talk to the brick.  Everything is based around using the 
Bricx GUI thing that only runs on Windows, and apparently does that kind of 
thing for you.

After poking around with this off and on all day, I have concluded it that 
this is for people with many orders of magnitude more patience and 
determination than I can muster.

I pronounce it a hopeless lost cause.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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