ndiswrapper questions

lanzen lanzenesi at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 08:25:41 UTC 2008

On Friday 28 March 2008 04:07:17 D. R. Evans wrote:

> YAY!!!!!
> I got it working.

Good! Now just don't update to hardy until they fix it or you'll be in for 


> 1. In KWifiManager, in Settings | Configuration Editor, I entered the SSID.
> [...] (I suspect that is will cause me a problem when I roam, though, so 
> maybe I should not have done this.) 

I might have missed some bits and pieces on the precious posts, but didn't 
knetwork-manager show you wireless by just clicking on the icon in the tray?

> The only thing (at least, I think it's the only thing) that isn't working
> right now is that when I do a "Scan for Networks", I see both my home
> WLANs, but trying to switch to either of them by pressing the "Switch to
> Network..." button seems to completely disconnect me and never reconnect me
> to anything. (When I press the "Switch to Network..." button, the
> KWifiManager says that the system has switched to Ad-Hoc mode, so it
> doesn't look for (or acquire) a WAP. I can't find any way to stop it
> switching to Ad-Hoc mode.)

Well, I can only talk of (k)nm as I haven't tried KWifiManager. In Gutsy just 
clicking on another network does the trick provided you own a key if 
encrypted, of course.


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