ndiswrapper questions
D. R. Evans
doc.evans at gmail.com
Fri Mar 28 03:07:17 UTC 2008
David McGlone said the following at 03/27/2008 08:20 PM :
> Ok have you tried using the "network" icon in the control center? Go in there and you should see your wlan0
> card along with your eth0 card. Click on the wlan0 card and edit it, you will need to add your SSID and if you are
> using security then add your security information. Don't forget to add your gateway on the next tab and change the dropdown to wlan0
> If this don't help, tomorrow when I get home, I will get on my linux box and describe everything in better detail.
> Right now I don't have my linux box available to give you better detail, but I'm trying to help you to the best of my
> memory. By the way, I could never connect using the password in text, I always had to use the hex key.
> I hope this helps for the time being, if you don't figure it out by tomorrow morning, I will try and walk you
> through it step by step.
I got it working. Thank you so much for your assistance. This one was a
real bear (I guess I'm too used to things Just Working these days in Linux).
I don't know how much of this was necessary, but what I did:
1. In KWifiManager, in Settings | Configuration Editor, I entered the SSID
and the interface name (wlan0) in the Config1 tab, and checked "Load preset
configuration on startup". (I suspect that is will cause me a problem when
I roam, though, so maybe I should not have done this.)
2. In System Settings | Network Settings, I set the interface to use
Automatic and dhcp, told it to activate when the computer starts, and gave
it the ESSID of my network. Again, I'm not sure what's going to happen when
I roam, but at least it works here at home.
The only thing (at least, I think it's the only thing) that isn't working
right now is that when I do a "Scan for Networks", I see both my home
WLANs, but trying to switch to either of them by pressing the "Switch to
Network..." button seems to completely disconnect me and never reconnect me
to anything. (When I press the "Switch to Network..." button, the
KWifiManager says that the system has switched to Ad-Hoc mode, so it
doesn't look for (or acquire) a WAP. I can't find any way to stop it
switching to Ad-Hoc mode.)
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