Best directions for dual-booting with Vista?

Derek Broughton news at
Thu Mar 27 13:28:50 UTC 2008

Wagner Ferreira wrote:

> I have a doubt about that.
> Does the windows installed inside the Virtualbox has the same access to
> printers, usb ports, cams, and another equipments tied to the machine?

If you use Innotek's full version (rather than virtualbox-ose available in
Ubuntu) you get access to the USB devices - other hardware is still likely
to be problematic.

> I 
> have a little cyber-cafe in Brazil, using Linux and LTSP machines, and
> sometimes I need windows to access some cell phones, and use some
> softwares that aren't for linux :(
> What should be the better solution?  A windows machine to be accessed
> remotely, or a Windows instalaltion inside Virtualbox?

Only you can tell :-)  I'd go with the VirtualBox solution myself, but I
recognize that it might be easier for a cyber-cafe to just go with the flow
and use Windows.

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