Issue regarding package selection

Wagner Ferreira wagner.tec.inf at
Thu Mar 27 11:53:34 UTC 2008

Kubuntu has an automatic package selection, because it uses non-text based install procedures.  You can user the ubuntu-server edition, that uses a text-based instalation, and you can choose some packages to install. Wagner FerreiraInformática & Networking(11)7642-7980(11)8524-8764wagner.tec.inf at

Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2008 17:01:50 +0530From: tapojoychatterjee at Issue regarding package selectionTo: kubuntu-users at

Hi I am trying to install ubuntu in a 1GB flash and 256MB RAM system..The system has no cd or dvd rom or internet connection. I made a live usb and PXE based architecture .But the issue is am not get any package selection mechanism while installing like in fedora. Is there  any in ubuntu ? If so please help meTapojoy Chatterjee

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