Watching video from dvd files doesn't work

Alexander Smirnov alexander.v.smirnov at
Tue Mar 25 06:35:05 UTC 2008

Ulrich GrĂ¼n wrote:
> Hi there,
> Does anybody know whow to watch a video in the filesystem in dvd structure (/ 
> It seems that a video with dvd structure can be played only if it can be found 
> at /dev/dvd (or so), but not if it's in the file system.
> I think, that this wouldn't be hard to do, but somehow xine, kmplayer, et al, 
> cannot open files like VIDEO_TS.IFO.
> While I'm able to play the .vob files, I'm not able to get the dvd menu.
> Does anybody know how to solve this?
I watch video in Kaffeine. It has File > Open Directory menu item for that.
Also it's possible to File > Open... and point dvd video iso image - 
Kaffeine is able to handle them too.

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