e-sata question

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 17:03:55 UTC 2008

On Sunday, 23 March 2008 18:43:43 Sam Fielder wrote:
> If you are getting no response check to make sure the esata is enabled
> as mentioned above. check that maybe with the manufacturers
> documentation for the mb.

> as far as i remember ubuntu detected my drive as soon as the controler
> was set up properly.
Good to know.

> AFAIK esata is not hotpluggable/hotswappable like scsi. it acts just
> like an internal ide drive in that you must shutdown and let the
> hardware detect and setup the drive.
Ah, that jives with other advice I received (Bas!) I really gotta restart one 
of these days; damn this stable O/S :D

> try that to start. I don't remember if I had to tell ubuntu about the
> drive or not, but get the drive detected by the mb first and we can move
> on from there.
Okay, I will post further when I have done that.


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