e-sata question

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 16:29:06 UTC 2008

> the drive works on usb. But nothing on the esata?
No effect when esata cable plugged in. 

> what is your desired result? auto mount on boot?
Just the same as USB; plug in - icon appears, d-click mounts the drive.
Automount on boot would be cool too, when the drive is on.

> are you on a desktop or laptop?

> is your esata controller on a pci with external/internal (aftermarket),
> or is it onboard (oem built-in)?
My m/b has sata connectors. With the drive came a widget that I plugged into 
one of those. It mounts on the back-plate of the PC so that an e-sata 
connector faces outwards. (No PCI slot internally - i.e. it's not 
plugged-into the m/b other than the internal cable to the sata port on the 
m/b) -- I plug the external e-sata cable into that and the other end into the 
case holding the drive.

In ascii:
sata (m/b) <--cable-->Metal L shape with connector<--external cable-->drive 

It's good news that you have it working. Perhaps its a boot-only automount 
affair. Perhaps there is a kernal module I need to set.. I just don't know.


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