Kubuntu DVD 7.1 for AMD Turion 64

Bas Roufs basroufs at gmail.com
Fri Mar 21 09:51:18 UTC 2008

Welcome to the Kubuntu community.

> Unfortunately I cannot boot from DVD even if I insert DVD in my PC and 
> the kubuntu browser starts...

First step: start your PC, let it run as it runs and put your Kubuntu 
DVD into the drive.
Second step: RESTART the PC. Shortly after setting this restart process 
into motion, try to get into the BOOTING MENU. In an early stage of the 
starting up process you will see an instruction which key to press in 
order to get in this booting menu: often F2, sometimes another F key. 
Press at this key as quickly as you can, in order to get into this 
booting menu. In one part of the menu, you can instruct the PC from 
which disk to boot first. Quite probably your PC now starts booting at a 
hard disk. But via this menu, you can easily instruct the PC to start 
booting from the CD/DVD drive. Instruct you PC to do so, than press at 
an option to SAVE CHANGES AND QUIT OR EXIT: often F10. (But check first 
which key is the right one for this purpose!)

After following the instructions above, your PC will restart again and 
boot from the Kubuntu DVD.

I hope this instruction helps.


Bas G. Roufs M.A.
Van 't Hoffstraat 1
NL-3514 VT  Utrecht
E.:  BasRoufs at gmail.com
M.: +31.6.446.835.10.
T.: +31.30.785.20.40.
Skype: BasRoufs
Google Talk: BasRoufs
Yahoo Messenger: Bas6Human

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