change resoloution

David Fletcher kubuntu-users at
Tue Mar 18 13:09:29 UTC 2008

At 12:41 18/03/2008, you wrote:
>How can I change my resoloution, if
>         STRG-SHIFT-+,- (I have a laptop and numlock isn't working at all)
>         KDE Control Center
>don't work?
>Is there any command I can run manually?
>I recently ran a game in wine and it changed my resoloution but I couldn't
>get it back afterwards :-(

Is it this you need?

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg.conf

I think it was this one I used after setting up a computer for a 
friend at home, using my 4/3 monitor, then had to re configure it for 
a wide screen.


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